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Writer's pictureAngie Fadel

I Listen To My Voice

I listen to

I listen to

my voice

I want to hear what I say

I listen to

I listen to

My voice

I want to hear what I say

That sweet stillness of deep listening of leaning into Yes/And with ourselves and our wisdom may be one of the most powerful things we can learn to cultivate and give ourselves.


I'm not a fraud


I am enough


I'm worth knowing


I'm worth loving


I'm valuable


I'm not defective


I am worth listening to


I am not broken


I am not difficult to love


I am worth respecting




My inner wisdom is my friend, it is for me, it has my best always at the forefront, it loves me and I don't have to earn it. I do have to learn to listen to it and practice, practice, practice, building a relationship with it. This practice of listening to it builds the trust that strengthens the knowing that it's (inner wisdom) got US (all the parts of who we are).

How do we learn to cultivate this trust with ourselves? Everyone is different what works for me may not work for you or may not ring as true as it does for someone else but trying never hurt anyone.


Take a minute to arrive in yourself. Whatever your day has been up to this point take a second to get still, breathe deep, and get as quiet in yourself as you can (1 - 3 min)

Now that you are quiet practice listening to your inner wisdom.

Start by inviting your wisdom to show up don't rush it. If you have never invited it or it's been a while it might take more than one go to hear and feel comfortable. There is no hurry and no right way to listen.

You might need to start by apologizing to it for all the ways you've shut it down, silenced, and avoided listening to it over the years. If that's the case apologize. Be as specific as you can when you do. Treat this like any apology you might make to an actual person- apologies work when you know what you've done or not done and owned it.

Maybe you go straight from this to listening and sitting quietly with yourself and you're wisdom.

Maybe the apology was a good place to stop for now. You can pick this back up at any time in the near future.

Maybe before you end this listening-mindful-wisdom-meditation you set a date for the next listening exercise. You can tell your inner wisdom you would like to talk to them again: set a date and time. Maybe consider places/experiences you loved as a child- walks, in the woods, on the beach, in your neighborhood, with your dogs, etc. Maybe it was taking a nap and daydreaming, going on a little adventure, whatever or wherever it is (don't make it too complicated or difficult to achieve) set a date and time to meet up with your inner wisdom again.

Be curious

Be open

Be playful

This is a Yes/And opportunity to meet a part of yourself that needs to be listened to on the regular. And you deserve to have that relationship.

Whatever you do or don't do to cultivate this remember it might be the most important relationship you build.



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