A Healthy Holiday Season to Remember
Something I wrote years ago.
Seasonal Survival Guide
November 22, 2014 at 3:16pm
Here come the holidays! How do you prepare?
The prep I'm referring to is not the turkey, tree, lights and parties variety, all that prep is icing on the cake of this time of year. The prep I'm talking about is the prep of the soul. I know, I know it sounds a bit lofty, but it is the most important part of getting ready for the Bermuda Triangle that is this season- Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.
Why is our inner-self important especially this time of year? We get lulled into this belief that the people (mainly family of origin) in our lives will behave in a kind manner. That politics won't come up; that the person that always gets drunk, won't get drunk; that the uncle that is always handsie, won't be. We get lulled into a false sense of idealism that tells, us good will prevail and the mystical beauty of Christmas is all we need.
I spent years in this belief system and every year it ended in disappointment. I also saw people I love go into dangerous situations hoping that the outcome would be different. Being manipulated by the same people who always had manipulated them and jumping through the same old hoops. This as most of us have come to understand is the definition of insanity- doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I am not immune to the magic nor do I want to be. But I do want to be realistic! Sound boring? Well, it might be in the beginning because we have grown so used to the chaos, but at least at the end of it all, you will not be filled with a deep sense of disappointment and longing for what can't be. People can only be who they are and where they are at and no amount of Christmas cheer is going to change that. Yes, we can want them to be better and do better, but that is on them. We can only take responsibility for us and in my case that is enough.
How can you change your reality?
Look at it!
*Face what people are really like this time of year, not what you wish they were
*Setup guidelines that keep you safe, but also allow you to be a part even if your part is smaller than normal. This can only happen if you are realistic about the environment you are going into. If it is unsafe, no amount of preparation will make it safe!
*Put new plans in place for your Christmas if some or all of your typical plans have to be altered.
There are many more things you can do, the list is endless.
Most important! LET SOMEONE HELP YOU!
I can be that person or someone around you that loves you and has a different, perhaps healthier perspective.
Boldly love yourself, by not accepting less than you are worth.
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