Mantras For The Rest Of US
When talking about justice there is usually a discussion on what justice is exactly and in that discussion, the act of doing justice is often lost in the head and not lived out in the streets. In the times we are living in doing justice can be as simple as educating yourself on the real history of your country, not just what those in power put in the history books. Learning what has been done to the indigenous people who lived there originally. How colonialism has played a part in the laws, structures, and institutions of the country, and who is benefitting from that. And then not just sitting on the information you've learned but also acting, confronting power structures, and lies that keep being perpetuated and the institutions and people that keep upholding those ideas.
It is doing and saying what might be considered uncomfortable, radical, disloyal to family in order to work justice for everyone not just those in power. Those in power don't need justice those that need justice are those that are suffering under that power.
You might be wondering what justice or mantras have to do with spirituality? For me, they are intertwined- my spirituality is impudent without justice and my passionate justice is informed by my spirituality they are two sides of the same coin reflected influenced and sustained by each other. And the mantras are a reminder of who I am and who I am straining to be in all the mess and mistakes. I am still pushing forward still listening to the voice inside that will not be cowed by fear and disapproval. I keep moving forward for full inclusion for everyone! For all humanity! For all of us to be free! Because what good is my spiritual life without that!!! It is more empty words and we are 400 years past empty words.
So I will keep writing myself into every mantra.
I will keep calling myself and you forward.
I will keep making room and stepping aside so that we all get to live free.
Keep loving yourself!
Keep speaking your true self into existence!
Keep fighting and believing in a better world for everyone!